Helping the Community - Your Mobile Legal Service


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Legal Services: What we can do for You!

The Australian Law Firm has earned its reputation as a “Law Firm of the Future”.

Based upon traditional values, our law firm is not just any law firm. We provide a seamless legal service that operates on any scale – locally or globally. Our multidisciplinary team has demonstrated time and time again that it can provide unrivalled access to legal services of valued expertise and invaluable connections based on the needs of our clients regardless of the geographical location.

Our legal services encompass all matters, jurisdictions and markets The Australian Law Firm has been widely recognised for producing outstanding results in transitions and securing significant trials level through the Supreme Court of New South Wales, the District Court of New South Wales, the Local Courts of New South Wales and the Family Law Courts in Australia as well as transactions throughout Australia and overseas. We place our clients at the core of everything we do.

Our Legal Service to the Public and the Benefits of Giving Back to the Elderly Community

At The Australian Law Firm, our solicitors are called to serve. We have a commitment to serve the public as a core of our values and mission as a law firm.

The Australian Law Firm has a conscience, serving our community is not just an obligation but a privilege for each of our solicitors at The Australian Law Firm. Our dedication to serving the aging population is supported at all levels of our firm and our partners lead by example, handling numerous voluntary work and participating in our local communities.

We have previously dedicated our time by extending our legal services in our community legal service at La Valette Social Centre Blacktown NSW, situated at 175 Walters Road, Blacktown NSW 2148 for all members and non-members, however since COVID-19 our services ceased where La Valette Social Centre now refers their members to our firm by providing them with our contact details so they can arrange a private consult.

We are proud to provide legal services and legal assistance to elderly individuals where they would otherwise have no access to such legal services. Our steadfast commitment also extends to clients who have legal matters extending to boarders outside Australia.

  • Litigation, Dispute Resolution & Debt Collection

    At The Australian Law Firm, we strive to assist our Clients in navigating through their complexities of life. We undertake the following areas of Litigation as well as represent our Clients in all of the following Courts:

    → Supreme Court of Australia
    → High Court of Australia
    → District Court of Australia
    → Family Court of Australia
    → Federal Circuit Court of Australia
    → Local Court General Division
    → Local Court Small Claims Division
    → NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT)
    → Litigation proceedings
    → Locating and Skip Tracing
    → Letters of Demand
    → Pre-Litigation Negotiations and Dispute Resolution
    → Litigation proceedings
    → Summons
    → Statement of Claims
    → Defences
    → Statement of Cross-Claims
    → Settlement or Judgments
    → Debt Collection
    → Default Judgments
    → Judgment or Order
    → Consent Judgment or Order
    → Registration/Filing of Certificate of Judgment or Order
    → Pay by Instalments
    → Instalment Order and Notice
    → Order refusing instalment Application
    → Examination Notice
    → Examination Order
    → Arrest Warrant for Examination
    → Writ for Possession
    → Writs for Levy of Property
    → Garnishee Order for Debt
    → Garnishee Order for Wages or Salary

  • Criminal Law

    The Australian Law Firm provides representation for criminal law matter involivng all alleged offending behaviours from the minor matters to the most serious criminal charges in the following areas:

    → Custody and Arrest Advice
    → Bail Applications
    → Jail Visits
    → Guilty Pleas
    → Not Guilty Pleas/Contested Trials
    → Sentencing
    → Appeals
    → Serious Criminal Charges
    → Murder
    → Manslaughter
    → Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm
    → Reckless Grievous Bodily Harm or Wounding
    → Recklessly Cause Grievous Bodily Harm or Reckless Wounding
    → Wounding or Grievous Bodily Harm with Intent
    → Assault, Resist and Hinder Police
    → Indecent Assault
    → Sexual Assault
    → Sexual Assault and Indecent Assault
    → Common Assault
    → Kidnapping
    → Stalking and Intimidation
    → Break and Enter
    → Malicious Damage of Property
    → Goods in Custody
    → Robbery
    → Stealing or Larceny
    → Money Laundering
    → Custody of a Knife
    → Firearm Offences
    → Possess Prohibited Drug
    → Offensive Language or Conduct
    → Public Mischief
    → Riot
    → Computer Hacking
    → White Collar Crime
    → Credit Card Fraud and Identity Fraud
    → Securities Fraud
    → Embezzlement
    → Corporate Fraud
    → Apprehended Violence Orders (AVO)
    → Apprehended Personal Violence Order (APVO)
    → Contravention of AVO and APVO
    → Drink Driving Charges

  • Wills & Estates

    At The Australian Law Firm, we understand that life is too short and unpredictable, and the impact of losing a loved one can be devastating on your family. We are here to help you take the necessary steps to ensure that your loved ones will be looked after. We undertake the following Wills and Estates areas of Law:

    → Estate Planning
    → Making a Last Will and Testament (Will)
    → Updating a Last Will and Testament (Will)
    → Making an Enduring Power of Attorney
    → Revocation of an Enduring Power of Attorney
    → Making a Power of Attorney
    → Revocation of a Power of Attorney
    → Making an Enduring Guardian
    → Revocation of an Enduring Guardian
    → Elder Law
    → Mental Capacity Issues
    → Advice for Formal Capacity Assessment
    → Deceased Estates
    → Probate
    → Applying for a Grant of Probate
    → Letters of Administration
    → Applying for Letters of Administration
    → Estate Disputes
    → Family Provision Act 1982
    → Family Provisions Claims
    → Family Provisions Respondent Claims
    → Contesting Last Will and Testaments (Wills)
    → Intention of Distribution of Estate
    → Distribution of Estate Property
    → Lodging Notice of Deaths
    → Transfer of Land for Joint Tenancy Survivorship
    → Transfer of Land for Estate Property
    → Preparation of Caveats
    → Lodging Caveats
    → Supreme Court Litigation
    → Guardianship Tribunal

  • Family Law

    At The Australian Law Firm, we strive to assist our Clients in navigating through their complexities of life. We undertake the following areas of Family Law as well as represent our Clients in the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia:

    → Nullity of Marriage
    Divorce of Marriage
    → Separation of Marriage
    → De-Facto Relationships Separation
    → Property Settlements
    → Consent Orders for Property
    → Division of Matrimonial Property
    → Division of De-Facto Relationship Property
    → Parenting Arrangements
    → Child Custody
    → Consent Orders for Children
    → Recovery Orders for Children
    → Missing Children
    → Relocation and Travel for Children
    → Applying to Change Existing Orders for Children
    → Contravention of Existing Orders for Children
    → Grandparents and Other Family Members Applications
    → Kinship and Grandparent Carer Parenting Arrangements
    → Domestic Violence
    → Apprehended Violence Orders (AVO)
    → Estate Planning
    → Making a Last Will and Testament (Will)
    → Updating a Last Will and Testament (Will)
    → Family Provision Act 1982
    → Family Provisions Claims
    → Family Provisions Respondent Claims
    → Contesting Last Will and Testaments (Wills)

  • Property Law & Conveyancing

    The Australian Law Firm is committed to providing cost effective, efficient service and correct property information. We undertake the following in Property Law and Conveyancing:

    → Conveyancing – Acting for Vendor (Seller)
    → Preparation of Contract for Sale of Land
    → Conveyancing – Acting for Purchaser (Buying)
    → Reviewing Contract for Sale of Land
    → Contract for Sale of Land Negotiations
    → Transfer of Land
    → Advice on Mortgage or Loan Documents
    → Assistance for First Home Owners
    → First Home Owner Grants
    → Business Conveyancing – Acting for Vendor (Seller)
    → Preparation of Contract for Sale of Business
    → Business Conveyancing – Acting for Purchaser (Buying)
    → Reviewing Contract for Sale of Business
    → Contract for Sale of Business Negotiations
    → Property Developments
    → Property Subdivision
    → Auctions
    → Retail Leases
    → Commercial Leases
    → Wills and Estate Property
    → Lodging Notice of Deaths
    → Transfer of Land for Joint Tenancy Survivorship
    → Transfer of Land for Estate Property
    → Preparation of Caveats
    → Lodging of Caveats

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